
Sunday, September 8, 2013

An Update

...or that time that I semi-unintentionally didn't blog for over a month. Ooops. We can blame it on the fact that I've had really limited internet access in New Zealand, or the fact that life got craaaazy, or or or... or perhaps we should be using "thank" instead of "blame." Your choice. Regardless, I have written an update on life on a fresh new blog here.


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Technology Tuesday* Vol. 3, the fancy phone edish

My inaugural gram.
I don't know, Mich and I accidentally matched today.
We should have taken a pic before our bike ride.
And we should have gotten the rest of our matching outfits in the shot.
Hindsight don't need no spectacles, yo.

After spending more hours than I care to think about researching what I'm going to do about a phone while I'm in New Zealand, my mom then generously spent copious amounts of time on the phone with our cell provider figuring out our options. We're talking living martyr status over here. I finally decided, after changing my mind roughly 400 times, to join the 21st century, hop aboard the iPhone bandwagon, and leave my elderly ways behi--nope, still geriatric. hashtag howdoIworkthisthing?

After that process, I vote we all agree to ditch the cellular phones and revert to landlines, telegraphs, and snail mail. Or maybe just smoke signals. My pal and former college roommate Amelia suggested carrier pigeons. "Train a few of those suckers, we'd be all set for the year!" Okay, sounds good to me.

Expect to be bombarded with an excessive number of "crappy" as people have dubbed them of late phone pics. Don't get me started on that one because... if you take a little gander down the not-so-distant memory lane you can gaze upon these little displays of ghetto fab.

Here's to hoping their Pinocchio noses have not grown any longer and my phone is actually unlocked so that it can function overseas. I'm looking at you, cell phone provider.

Aaaand awkward sign-off,

*You know the drill: Technology Tuesdays only happen on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays. #likeclockwork

Monday, July 29, 2013

Life Lately: On Moving & Summer Happenings

On Summer Happenings:

These past few months have been filled with lots of life-living and I'll be sure to fill you in at some point when things settle down a smidgen. For now though, here's a sneak peek of what I've been up to.

On moving:
Someone if I could remember who, I would point you in the right direction but I've been more than a little scattered these days once wrote about balance in life, and about how she was stressing out because she didn't feel like her days were balanced. After some consideration, she decided to use it as more of a long-term assessment of life rather than a daily one. Recently I've been thinking of this as life has been more than a little chaotic (am I sounding like a broken record yet? Hold onto your hats because I'll probably be repeating that sentiment for at least another month).

In exactly one week from this moment I will be on the plane headed from New York to New Zealand. It's exciting, nerve-wracking and bitter-sweet, along with about a hundred different emotions depending on the minute you ask me. I've found myself having to do a lot of deep breathing this week as it has also proved to be a teensy bit stressful. This week I'm trying to soak up spending time with my family and friends in the midst of packing and prepping and triple checking that everything is in order.

This morning I had a solid stress dream that I made it to the airport sans passport, visa, and every other important travel document despite the fact that "they were all on my list, thrice! how could I have  possibly forgotten to grab the most important things?! --i've messed everything up!" I actually exclaimed these things out loud to strangers in my dream. I know. and was in quite the pickle. I don't know, call me anxious. I woke up with my heart pounding, more exhausted than when I went to sleep. I've also been wondering what life will look like in a new city (in a new country as well as hemisphere) where I don't know anyone, working a new job, and living with a new family... who also happen to be my employers. 

I'm excited for this new adventure, but I would be lying if I said that I'm not a little bit anxious, too. I was recently reminded of this post by Aura (who is unfortunately for us not blogging any more. I still like to browse through some of her old posts every once in a while because they are absolutely gorgeous in every way). That last paragraph of it is short and sweet but such a good one. "You must know that you can swim through every tide and change of time." A-flippin'-men I know that once I'm there, I'll be able to handle whatever life throws at me... let's just hope I make it through this week ;)

This week/month/season is feeling crazy in a good way, but also in an uncomfortable, unsettled way. I keep reminding myself that there have been times, and there will be times, when I'm feeling more settled into or even bored with life. Eventually it all balances out. Just keep telling myself that in the hopes that I can appreciate the craziness now.

About a month ago I started becoming overwhelmed about the logistics of short-term moving overseas/ long-term traveling and in a fit of what I'm sure was unnecessarily excessive late-night stress, I emailed Kylie, Lisa & Megan of Traveling Triplets to ask if they had any tips for packing for such a move, long flights, and/or dealing with jet lag/large time differences. They are wonderful and Kylie not only quickly emailed me back with some suggestions, but then dedicated two entire posts to sharing some tips for packing to move abroad and long flights and time change. Life savers! Thanks again, Kylie! I'll definitely be referencing those this week (and next). Go check them out! (If not for these tips, then for the tales and photos of all of their travels- such cool ladies!)

Happiest of days to you,

Sunday, July 28, 2013

These are a few of my favorite blumberjacks

I am almost always on the hunt for new blogs to feed my blog-reading addiction. I absolutely have a problem. I luh-hu-hove when I stumble upon them via other blogs. ( else does one generally discover blogs?)

.......anyways, here are a few that are actually worth your while, in no particular order. In case you are looking to further your unhealthy blog habit:

1. Hope Engaged- Katie is currently living with her husband in Nepal, working with girls who have been rescued out of sex-trafficking.  Her words never fail to be inspirational, which sounds really cliché but is completely true (also cliché). I promise there is nothing cliché about her life and writing. A truly beautiful blog, all-around. My description does it zero justice. Just clickity-clack on over to check it out yourself.

2. Dear Baby- Okay, so this is kind of a cheat because you've most certainly dropped in on this one before, yes? If you haven't gotten lost in Melissa's dreamy words and transported to daydream land for extended periods of time by way of her photos you have seriously been missing out. This is probably the first blog that I ever read and lately I've been really loving it again. 

3. Kisses & Croissants- Patricia is a true gem. She is unapologetically honest without being an over-sharer, which seems to be quite challenging for people today. Also she's really really funny. And she responds to comments and emails, and probably makes every single one of her readers feel like a friend. Go read!

Are there any blogs that you've been enjoying lately? Fill me in, please and thank you.


P-to-the-S, blumberjacks = bloggers, for those of you (all of you) who don't have an appetite for terrible dad-humor.

Monday, July 22, 2013

All the Single Blumberjacks

Is it me or does it seem like every blogger and all of her internet friends are married/engaged/"dating/in a relationship"-slash-what-in-the-actual-eff-does-that-even-mean/have-that-random-guy-who-appears-in-posts-but-who-remains-nameless(orthedreaded"DH"excusemewhileIbarf)/otherwise clearly not single?  

Just me?

Okay. Let's just take a moment to contemplate the ever-polarizing Love Story Post/Page. Blumberjacks (no? okay. I've been spending too much time with my dad. His sense of humor is catching and the rest of the fam is not thrilled with this little development) either gush about them or vehemently express their disgust. 

I enjoy a well-written love tale as much as one of the former, but... sometimes I just... Can I get a show of hands/solidarity from The Silent Ones. (I can count on one finger the number of single bloggers that I have come across, and that might not even still be the case). Where are you? And I'm not saying we need some sob story about how alone you are, but can you maybe mention it once in a while? It's not the worst thing. Maybe there really are very few single bloggers. In which case carry on but also what the heck? I have a feeling that there are quite a few people squirreling this detail away.

At the same time... I get it. Although it is no secret, I have felt uncomfortable 100% of the times that I have mentioned the fact that I am single. I suspect it has everything to do with sounding like a mega-downer who is giving a woe-to-me sob story, even when just mentioning it in passing. Which is ridiculous because clearly people have no problem flaunting (or I suppose whining/complaining/giving some sob story) about their significant others. Why should anyone have a problem mentioning the good, bad, and ugly of single life? I can't promise anything but I'm pretty sure owning it won't destine us to a long life of tending to our herd of cats' someone recently mentioned that a group of cats is a clutch. I had a few long moments of eye-blinking silence before I said that I was genuinely sorry about his life that he actually knew that little factoid. needs sans human interaction. 

I guess all I'm requesting is that if you happen to be a resident of SingleTown, don't completely omit that little tidbit from your blog? 

It's not the worst thing.

Nobody dares break those things.


Mention that you're single and you definitely will be.
...nothing but promises of totally worthwhile outcomes over here.

'tis true.

And worst case
we can commiserate together

All of the manatee pics are from Calming Manatee
Go enjoy some kindness by way of the gentlest sea creatures.
You know you want to.

While we're at it, can we agree to start a new trend and agree to be crazy manatee ladies because cat allergies? I mean would you just look at those manatee faces, who could resist? And plus, who wouldn't want a several hundred pound, vegetarian sea-faring sea cow friend? That's what I thought.

Fist bump,

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Saturday List Vol 5.2

1. Just checking in (with myself? Blogging is weird.)

2. ---crickets---

3. to say that life has been a smidgen hectic. From one vacation, to a few days at home with company, to another vacation, rightback to another vacay. I see your eye rolls. It's a rough life I lead.

Mich and I at our most attractive.
From...more than a few years ago when I last joined everyone for girls' week.

4. Regardless, it has been an internetless few weeks. Another week, another vacation. What do I think I am, retired? Anyways, this upcoming week's flavor of vacation is a cabin in the woods of very very upstate NY with some of my aunts & my cousin Mich. So, again, no internets. And then it's about to get REAL CRAZY up in here because I get home and have one week--ONE--to prep and pack for my year-long vacationjob on tha otha side a tha globe. So. That should be a relaxing and care-free week.

5. I have lots to say, mainly about the Chatty Cathy who chose me as her introvert/victim and sat next to me on the plane despite the fact that there were numerous empty rows surrounding us and her assigned seat was very much not in my row. I have copious notes to share with you because you clearly care. But then-- whenever I'm complaining about air travel, I always always think of this:

You can start at 2:30
Ignore the commentary in the bottom left corner.
I probably should go searching for a better version
but... I also should probably be doing things more important 
than detailing the nothings of my life for all of the www...

I'll most definitely still share all of the details of my encounter with Miss C. Cathy herself, because I like to overdo it like that.

6. Hope you're having a splendid weekend.


Friday, July 12, 2013

The Saturday List Vol. 5

1. When I hung out with my friend who also happens to be my pastor this past week to say goodbye, he asked if I would take over writing the newsletter for our church this week. I would like to invite you to join me in assuming it has everything to do with my raw writing talents and nothing to do with the fact that he wanted an out because he has some family visiting this week. So far I have written multiple paragraphs and have yet to reach my point. So... get ready for an encyclopedic-length newsletter, church friendlings. I'm putting off writing the rest because I'm still not even sure what my point is...
...or why I was selected as a guest writer.

2. I leave for a trip tomorrow to visit more family and I have yet to pack one thing. Also less than 24 hours after I get back from this trip, I will be leaving for another getaway (it's a rough life I lead...). And then when I get back from the second trip, I have a week before I move to New Zealand.  Holy sheeep. 

3. My last couple of weeks have been filled with adventures and I even managed to get it together enough to both bring my camera and snap some pics, so I will most definitely write all about them in excruciating detail. Get excited.

4. I have developed quite the ice cream habit, and it's a dirty, dirty habit. I sometimes plan my day around ice cream, regardless of how well or poorly it is going. Zero apologies. 

5. Apparently I am overdoing it with The Office gifs today. Again... I apologizeth not.

6. Should probably go pack now. And write that newsletter. Pronto.

Buh-bye, buh-log.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Rundown 3.0

A pic of my phone because I'm fancy.
I did not see this baby rabbit today
but it was in our yard last year,
so maybe I did.

The first run after a little (emphasis on little) break is always fun, yes? It's like beginner's luck all over again. Also nice? Running in the morning (read: not the absolute hottest part of the day) on a completely overcast day (read: again, not so sweltering). 

Miles run: 2.5 ish

Wildlife spotted: 2 cottontails

Wildlife heard: several bullfrogs

photo by Chad Saunders

Wildlife assumptions:  There was a lot of rustling in the brush near the corner of my street at the beginning of my run. Let's just say I didn't stick around to see what it was. More towards the end of the run I thought I heard sounds of a large animal in the underbrush. Clearly it was a bear. Did I talk myself down, repeating over and over that it's prooobably just another rabbit or a duck? Yes. Did I pick the pace way up? Also yes. Paranoia at its finest.

Wildlife prayers: Please don't let there be any snakes. Please don't let there be any snakes. Please don't let there be any snakes. Please don't let there be any snakes. Please don't let there be any snakes. Seeing one sunning itself in the middle my road once was already one too many, and I'm pretty sure it was of the harmless variety. Potentially even the roadkill variety, but if you think I slowed enough to get a good look you are off your rocker. 

F-bombs dropped: A Big Fat 0. Apparently I was feeling good because of the weather/faux-beginners-luck/distance combo. I even smiled a few times. Who am I and what have I done with myself? 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Little Traditions /// Fourth of July

These photos are nabbed from the 'book
No, I did not take them.
And no, they are not from the 4th
because I was at a Texachusetts wedding.
But I did actually witness these particular ones, sooo...
that leaves me only three steps behind. 
Carry on.

July 4th is one of my favorite holidays.
Probably because it falls in my favorite season of sweatyasanything.
For the past few years my family has trekked
across the main road to the top of the hill.
The view from there is incredible on any given day
but on July 4th...
if the weather cooperates,
and you time it right,
you get to see the sun setting behind the mountains
and a starry velvety sky behind you
and dozens of different locations setting off fireworks in the valleys below
while you also get a micro-fireworks display courtesy of the fireflies in the surrounding fields.
It is gorgeous beyond words.
I will probably never even attempt to take pictures because it is just one of those things that you can't.
just cannot.
because you know it will never capture it.
The feeling of everyone celebrating for miles around is unreal.
One of my favorite days.
I look forward to it every year because it makes me happier than anything.

Hope your Independence Day was spectacular,

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Saturday List, Vol. 4

A video-heavy Saturday List. 

This is pretty cool.


I cannot get enough.
The soundtrack to my days.


I've also been listening to these lately:


Good Reads:

"As long as you choose something that makes you feel good and comfortable (both physically and morally) while swimming, then you're good. But you're the only one who can make that decision."
Sound advice she received that extends well beyond what you're wearing to beach or pool.

is this real life? by Kaylee (who got married this past week!)
Kaylee is just downright incredible. 
She wrote this a while ago, during Lent. 
Every once in a while I come back to read it when I feel like I need my faith in Good Things restored.

Also, she refers to God as the "bearded hippie" so click on over if only for that.


I showed this video to my creative writing campers last year.
I was in love.
They were in love.
What's that? You're not really into spoken word?
That's okay,
you'll be in love too.

A happy day to you,

P.S. I was just about to post this and "get it in on Saturday even though that would be an excessive three posts in one day" and then realized it's Friday, not Saturday. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

A True Texachusetts Wedding /// July 4th Twenty-Thirteen

This year was a very special 4th of July. My good friends, and basically the coolest, most wonderful and loving people you will come across, ever, got hitched! Kaylee (you should go check out her blog right this very instant because it is a gem. and she is like 20 times sweeter and more beautiful and wonderful than you would think from reading it. Which seems impossible because her writing is bomb. It is 100% true, though) & Lance: the biggest congrats to you two! Thanks for letting me be a part of your Texachusetts celebration! It was one of the sweetest and most fun weddings I have ever attended. Perfection in every sense.

The ceremony was sweet and beautiful. Not a dry eye in that church! Kaylee wrote about how she wanted to really feel all the feelings on her big day, to not get so caught up in the craziness of the day that the whole thing passed by without feeling like she was experiencing it to the fullest. Well, from the instant she started walking down the aisle the emotions were written on her face. Cue the tears.

 Beautiful. Just beautiful. 
Sidenote: all pictures are nabbed from the 'book because I didn't take out my camera once.
No apologies because I was too busy enjoying the people and the day.
Their vows were heartfelt and so very true.
And the whole ceremony was very them.
From being pronounced woman and husband,
to taking a group shot afterwards
(we are a group of serial group photo junkies),
down to their first act as a married couple:
joyfully serving communion to everyone there.
The sweetest of gestures from the sweetest of couples.

Their first dance as Mrs. & Mr.
Lance is going to be mayor of Worcester someday
and Kaylee is basically going to rule the world.
but not in a power-hungry sort of way,
but more of a "holy sheet we've accomplished world peace and solved poverty and hunger and disease and every other terrible thing in the world" way.
Just you wait and see.
Power couple.

This happened.
I'm posing with the lovely Liz here.
aaaand that would be the always funny Kay photo-bombing.
Later in the evening as I was discussing my upcoming move,
Kay became veeeerry concerned about any potential water-sport activities in which I might partake.
because sharks, duh.
She tried to make me promise to strap a knife to my leg if I go surfing.
Because clearly in the event I am being attacked by a shark
a knife will fend it off.
And also I will avoid stabbing myself
because I'm not a klutz at all.
Here is a fun little vid of Kay saying my name.
rill funny.
Kills me every time.

Back to the more important wedding matters.
The reception was at a gorgeous location,
that was decorated beautifully
in a way (again) that was so them,
the food was delish,
the speeches were good and heartfelt and funny,
the dancing was fun,
and, most importantly,
it was clear how much love was in that room.

July 4th is one of my favorite days of the year.
This year, though.
This year was worth missing that,
to have the wonderful opportunity to be a part of a different celebration.

Texachusetts forever.

Hope your 4th was delightful!


P.S. A big Happy Birthday to Amelia! She's the bomb. So much so that the entire US of A sets off fireworks every year to commemorate her birth. Fitting, because she'll be right there ruling the world with kindness with Kaylee. I'm sure of it.

91,000 degrees

Fair warning: this video is deliciously non-family friendly in the language department. Consider yourself warned. I found it on the wonderful Emily's blog and felt that this baby needed to be shared.

It is a delightfully accurate representation of my current conditions. Minus the ac. But, uh, I don't hate it one crumb. I'm happiest when I can exert zero energy and produce massive amounts of sweat, and today I accomplished just that by sitting around reading a book as the sweat was pouring and it was glorious. I will sign up for this kind of weather any day over the swift punch in the face that is walking out of doors in the dead of fallwinterspring.

Related: I have developed a dirty ice cream habit. Don't care. Today included a nice walk to the grocery store for a healthy dose of ice cream and ac. Glorious times two. This weather is a win-win-win.

The Lawd is outta control.

Hope your days are as sweat-filled as mine,

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Purgatory Chasm and The Last Roomie Dinner

One Friday in May, Ari, Lorrie, and I went on a hike at Purgatory Chasm. Massachusetts friends, make sure you make it there because it is GORGEOUS. Like otherworldly. It was one of our school-organized trips, and they allotted just a smidgen too much time there which worked out beautifully for us because after hiking a large portion of the park we still had two hours before we left, so the three of us backtracked a bit and found a sunny boulder overlooking the chasm for a not-so-little catnap. Well, Lorrie & I catnapped. Ari passed out. Like snoring deep-sleep passed out. At one point I witnessed her wake up and f-r-e-a-k the flip out. Apparently she was having a chase dream, woke up, and thought she was on the edge of a cliff.  After 30 seconds of omgomgomg freaking out, she rolled over (actually rolled over so that she was face-down on solid rock) and went back to sleep for another half hour. Beautiful.

 Cliché* Alert: the weather was perfect.
By everyone's standards.

 Look at that smile.

Love 'em.
How do people simultaneously genuinely smile and take selfies?
Please inform.
Oh, um. And I tamed my mane.
I'll probably talk about that soon in excruciating detail 
but for now I'll leave you on the edge of your seats. 

The second part of this little excursion involved stopping for ice cream just down the street from the park at West End Creamery before heading home, which is the perfect way to finish off a day of anything, if you ask me. We were that group of people that rolled up in a school bus. If I were the type to say "YOLO"... (it was noooowhere near full) (party party) (still horrifying for all others involved) (I watched a woman through the bus window who was already in line and thus ahead of everyone who could potentially get off the bus turn a full 180 complete with a gaping mouth-stare when we pulled up. Whatever, lady, whatever. You wish you were as cool as us) (cut out the parentheticals, Chey).

/ / /

After our little hiking/napping/ice cream consuming jaunt, we decided to have a little family dinner, as it was our last chance before we separated ways. 

Normally we are a picture of indecision, but for once in our lives, while deciding on dinner, we were not because....  
Tacoooooo Niiiiiiiiiight!!!!!!!!

We made ours with finely chopped veggies in place of meat, because I had some frozen like that from making veggie lasagna. and because we didn't have meat. and because vegetarianism (not me but I would make a happy veggie). 

We needed some rations first, so we took our inaugural stroll to our newest neighborhood grocer
The Super Then!
not my picture. found it somewhere on the interwebs.
I really hope to work there someday so I can put that on a résumé. Love this city like none other.

Not before Lorrie & I took a pic of our unintentionally matching camp counselor uniforms.
 Tie dye tee
 and running sneaks.
Always and forever.

Dearest Universe,

This might have been my favorite day of all time. So much goodness all-around. I'll take a repeat any day.


*Weeellllll. Perhaps it's not a cliché around here

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Newport, RI

About a month and half ago, we took a quick trip to Newport.  We wine-tasted at Greenvale Vineyards (which is actually in Portsmouth, a bit north of Newport). It was a beautiful and happy day. I would probably have more things to say about the experience but my geriatric ways 

are rearing their ugly.

Moving on.
 Former can't do it, won't do it Roomie pic.
Ari & I were roommates all four years of college so...
Best Roomies Forever + Ever. 

Mel, Amelia & a random dog that lives there.
He was cute.
Until he sloshed around in some massive mud puddles.
Then he was a verrry dirty pup.
But still cute, I suppose, judging from the pic.

After the winery we went into Newport and had a couple hours to explore.
Ari and I had been hell-bent on finding a beach and sunning ourselves.
We had packed a picnic lunch
and booked it to the nearest public source of sand and saltwater.
Little did we know we had a 5 mile roundtrip shlep to get there.

Totally worth it.

 Not pictured: high wind conditions.

Ari covered her entire head with a scarf...

'Twas a sunny, happy day.
Ari fell asleep on the bus 
--a deep, deep, snoring sleep--
 before it started rolling.
I found sand in my hair for a solid week afterwards.
Signs of a good day, yes?

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday List Vol. 3

The Saturday List on an actual Saturday? Well, well. It's 1 o'clock in the middle of the night and I'm waiting for a load of laundry to finish so I can pack for my trip to Worcester tomorrow for Lance & Kaylee's wedding (annnd for hanging out with all of my Worcester people. I've been going through withdrawal). When it comes to packing, I am the worst procrastinator and it absolutely has to do with the fact that it's my least favorite portion of traveling. Over the course of the next month I have three separate trips before I leave to move to New Zealand. Which equates to packing four separate times. Lord help us all. Now onto my regularly unscheduled Saturday randoms.

1. I am such a sucker for Dad jokes. My dad is, well, very stereotypical in the humor department. Whenever I'm around him I can't help but spew terrible puns and jokes. They frequently fly out of my mouth apparently without first passing through my dense grey matter. One time I was reunited with my parents for no less than two minutes when I dropped the punniest pun of them all. Dad was utterly tickled in the most giddy, gleeful way. Mom, well... 

not so much.

Anyways, I actually L-ed-OL at this gem:
(I pinky promise it's worth all 104 seconds of your life)

Based on a true story.
Narration by Morgan Patch

3. I partook in some Warby Parker home try-on shenanigans a couple weeks ago, which means that really soon I can get some prescription sunnies! (Once I get my act together and get them my prescription... I need to give myself an ultimatum like two weeks ago). Protect my eyes from the sun and be able to see at the same time without layering my glasses? How novel. This has happened more times than I care to admit and it's a picture of both style and comfort wrapped up in one unfortunate package.

4. I got a backpack yesterday for my move to New Zealand. I'm preetttyyyyy sure I was definitely at least a little bit swindled, but... I know not what I'm doing. Tell me I'm not the only one who feels super uncomfortable going into stores for the adventurous outdoorsmenandwomen among us? Even if I had hiked the AT, canoed the entirety of the Great Lakes, and completed some 100-miler ultra races, I'm pretty certain I would still feel out of place. Just me getting inferiority vibes? Okay. I have a few chances to test out the new pack before my move, so fingers crossed that I was persuaded wisely. Note to self and others: when being fitted for backpacks, it is probably wise to wear a turtleneck because... sternum straps.

5. You'll never notice that I skipped number two.  Or maybe you will.

6.  Laundry's done, so now I need to go pack-slash-actuallyjustmoveallthatcrapoffmybedsoIcansleep. 

Peace out, Girl Scout.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Unsolicited Shoddy Sewing Tutorial /// Infant Swaddler

By no means am I any sort of expert or anywhere close to having a tiny human of my own, but I recently made a swaddler for a friend who is having a baby this fall.  I roughly followed this tutorial and pattern that I found here.

Step 1. Go to Little City Radio and turn on your playlist of choice now because if you're a speed-demon sew-er (not sewer like I just typed. Probably the term would be seamstress, but um... no) like I am... you'll be at this for a while. I blame my middle school home ec (or as my school called it "Home and Career Studies," abbreviated to the ever-charming "HACS" (pronouced "hacks" in the off-chance you were hoping otherwise)) teacher who would dole out speeding tickets to problem students who were putting the sewingmachinepedal to the metal.  

Step 2. Go here follow the better tutorial that comes with the pattern. I'm going to rehash it here in excruciating detail and with mediocre photos for when I decide to make another one in a year or seven. 

 After cutting out and sewing the darts on all four pieces
no visual aid for that because..........
pin those suckers up!
 comme ça
They recommend pressing the seams
The bottom edge kind of makes that impossible?
That, or I'm really dense.

 Slip the shell into the liner, right sides together.
Pin around the top part.
 Those corners are sort of nightmarish.
Real seamstresses would probably have a solution
and/or not be intimidated.
I faked it until I made it...
 ...because you have to navigate sewing over two seams
and deal with that awkward angle,
so I took several mental/ chocolate breaks.
Don't forget to leave a 3-4" opening

so that you can flip it right-side-out.
My favorite portion of every sewing project.
How appropriate.
On like four different levels.

I top-stitched the whole way around the top, per Gail's recommendation. I don't know how people have nice top-stitching that just skims the edge of their work, but I always have a minimum of 1/4 inch because I'm really talented and can also clearly sew in a straight line.  Don't look too closely.  I also  unintentionally stabbed myself with straight pins more times than I could count during this little top-stitching jaunt. Probably because for some reason I felt the need to pin every half inch. Don't do that.

Step 3. Meticulously rip out a seam because the thread randomly breaks (?). Make sure to be sewing the prickly hook side of the velcro when this happens so that every stitch snags. Also be sure that you don't own a seam ripper. 

Using thread that isn't 25 years old also might help to avoid this little conundrum. Or not. Because then you can claim that it's "vintage" and not at all "I never buy thread and instead raid my mom's sewing basket," and apparently "vintage" is trendy or whatever.  If that's your thing. Look at you go! Using that vintage thread! You're suddenly such a trend-follower!

You should plan on a solid 45 minutes to pull out this much thread. 
Also plan to destroy that piece of velcro. 

Step 4. Drop the scissors on your bare foot. Twice. Both times say a little prayer of thanks that they did zero physical damage and only slight psychological damage.

Step 5. Pin & sew on that velcro. You're in the home stretch! Or if you choose to complete this in one day, you're in a special state of insanity.
 I doubled up the velcro on all but the outside left flap because my velcro was on the skinnier side.
**Please note my crochet hook-turned-point turner. I'm fancy like that.

Baby straitjacket accomplished.
Now throw that thing in the wash to get rid of the evidence of your excessive use of washable marker, Cheryl. 

Here's to hoping a small child will actually fit in this thing.
