
Monday, July 22, 2013

All the Single Blumberjacks

Is it me or does it seem like every blogger and all of her internet friends are married/engaged/"dating/in a relationship"-slash-what-in-the-actual-eff-does-that-even-mean/have-that-random-guy-who-appears-in-posts-but-who-remains-nameless(orthedreaded"DH"excusemewhileIbarf)/otherwise clearly not single?  

Just me?

Okay. Let's just take a moment to contemplate the ever-polarizing Love Story Post/Page. Blumberjacks (no? okay. I've been spending too much time with my dad. His sense of humor is catching and the rest of the fam is not thrilled with this little development) either gush about them or vehemently express their disgust. 

I enjoy a well-written love tale as much as one of the former, but... sometimes I just... Can I get a show of hands/solidarity from The Silent Ones. (I can count on one finger the number of single bloggers that I have come across, and that might not even still be the case). Where are you? And I'm not saying we need some sob story about how alone you are, but can you maybe mention it once in a while? It's not the worst thing. Maybe there really are very few single bloggers. In which case carry on but also what the heck? I have a feeling that there are quite a few people squirreling this detail away.

At the same time... I get it. Although it is no secret, I have felt uncomfortable 100% of the times that I have mentioned the fact that I am single. I suspect it has everything to do with sounding like a mega-downer who is giving a woe-to-me sob story, even when just mentioning it in passing. Which is ridiculous because clearly people have no problem flaunting (or I suppose whining/complaining/giving some sob story) about their significant others. Why should anyone have a problem mentioning the good, bad, and ugly of single life? I can't promise anything but I'm pretty sure owning it won't destine us to a long life of tending to our herd of cats' someone recently mentioned that a group of cats is a clutch. I had a few long moments of eye-blinking silence before I said that I was genuinely sorry about his life that he actually knew that little factoid. needs sans human interaction. 

I guess all I'm requesting is that if you happen to be a resident of SingleTown, don't completely omit that little tidbit from your blog? 

It's not the worst thing.

Nobody dares break those things.


Mention that you're single and you definitely will be.
...nothing but promises of totally worthwhile outcomes over here.

'tis true.

And worst case
we can commiserate together

All of the manatee pics are from Calming Manatee
Go enjoy some kindness by way of the gentlest sea creatures.
You know you want to.

While we're at it, can we agree to start a new trend and agree to be crazy manatee ladies because cat allergies? I mean would you just look at those manatee faces, who could resist? And plus, who wouldn't want a several hundred pound, vegetarian sea-faring sea cow friend? That's what I thought.

Fist bump,

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