
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Well, well, well.

This little blog turned one and its birthday went mostly unnoticed, which I'm pretty sure violates some major social media mores. And yet I'm metaphorically throwing my hands in the air like I just don't care because… I don't.

19 Animals wearing party hats to celebrate
Sorry you're neglected, little intangible internet space.

I really did enjoy this little space and poured an obscene amount of time into it last year, although you probably wouldn't be able to tell from looking at it.

I just wanted to drop by if anyone is still reading to let you know that I've been blogging, albeit a bit less frequently, over here. I started fresh with that shiny notasnewnow blog to share my travels with family and friends back home. Lately I've been wanting to get back to more of my random writings but I wasn't sure whether to resume posting here or post those rambling thoughts on the new blog or start an even newer blawg and then things got out of control so I put the brakes on real fast. Something about it felt weird to simultaneously have two blogs going at once. Living a bit of a double life, if you will. So. Today I bit the bullet and got back to more of my typical writing over on Chey Rambles. I started out with one of my faves, a Saturday List. On a Thursday because that's how I do.

I'm pretty sure I'll be writing over there from here on out if you'd like to follow along. {crickets} Or, you know, not. Whatever. It's your life.

Annnd awkward sign-off.
