
Thursday, May 30, 2013

I'm a mess

which is basically inexcusable for someone with pretty much no real responsibilities (I can hear your snorty eye rolls from here).  My posts have been chock-full of unintentional grammatical errors (as opposed to the intentional ones that I regularly subject you to) see what I did there?, my home appears as though a bomb has recently gone off, I'm neglecting basic hygiene because I honestly forget to do things like floss my teeth and apply deo (gross, Chey. I mean can you at least get it together on that front for everyone's benefit?), and I cannot for the life of me keep track of what year it is. This past month has brought a trip to visit by BFF since first grade, finals, a graduation, a move (I'm stiiiill unpacking) complete with a whole bunch of good-byes, two sets of company visiting, sort-of jury duty, and planning for an upcoming move across the globe. Um. I know that I usually completely over-exaggerate pretty much everything I write but that last one is 100% true. Basically I feel like I've got some serious life whiplash and even though roughly 95% of this has been really funhappygoodhiphiphooray I'm still kind of reeling. As in I have been semi-regularly exercising, which if you know me you know is not me but I've been doing so just to get my nervous energy out/ clear my mind {because when you're this out of shape you cannot think of anything other than breathing on your little two mile joke of a sort-of jog}/ get some sunshine because hallelujah, tears of happiness or maybe just pain! I think we're finally out of the eightmonthlong w*nter woods. I have a whole slew of quarter-finished posts where I will fill you in on alllll of details and then some. Pinky-promise because I know you've got your undies in a bundle just dying to know about all of it.

'k bye
In my naturally attractive state
of mess.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Got me dat degree!

I graduated from college a couple Sundays ago.
I don't know who decided that this motley bunch of weird kids 
is responsible enough to be full-blown adults (orrrr something like that...) 
but that person needs a check-up from the neck-up.
I'll just go ahead now and let you know that this post is going to be of a dizzying length.
It's also bound to be exceptionally sappy.
Zero apologies out of me.
If you make it to the end I will personally give you a high-five.

Prior to graduation I had nearly two full weeks of freeeeedom because finals were over and graduation was not-yet. It was glorious. I will spill allll of those details (I know you're just dying to hear all about that) but it's going to have to wait for another day because it will absolutely make me cry and that is not going to happen tonight. I also moved riiiight after graduation (which, no, that wasn't stressful at all, but thanks for asking). It was also fun squeezing in all of my goodbyes amidst the graduation craziness. It was absolutely not fun that I missed saying goodbye to a couple very good friends because that day was straight crazy.  I absolutely did cry for the first 1.5 hours of the car ride after leaving Clark and then passed out like it was my duty in life. I awoke forty minutes later to Dad proclaiming, "We had a moose!" After a few confusing minutes I discovered that there was, in fact, no moose on the road, nor had he seen a moose. Oh, no. Apparently last week there was a moose roaming around my hometown and it was thee talk of the town. Obviously this was a good time to startle both me and Mom awake to inform us of the above.  Love him.  Mmmkay. Moving on.

Me and the fam before the ceremony.
Because I love them.
Also because I wore something under that oh-so elegant graduation garb.
Can we talk graduation attire for a hot second?
Hoods have to be the most awkward piece of attire
to be worn by anyone ever.
Zero exaggeration.
Like. Just.
I mean, I guess I like the way they look
or something.
But all of the fuss of dealing with that...situation
does not seem worth it.
I'll cut the complaining now
and thank my lucky stars that at least we wore black gowns
and not the (translucent) white, like at my high school graduation.

It took me a full fifteen minutes to find my family.
Which is absurd because this campus is tiny.
Fortunately I found this beauty in the meantime.
I don't know where I would be without her.
Certainly with less sanity and happiness and more of an eye-twitch.

with my dad after the ceremony

My grandparents are the absolute best and made the trip from Florida to Massachusetts.
On top of that they are just generally awesome and wonderful human beings.
If they aren't your grandparents...I feel sorry for you.

Jessie came all the way from Nashville!
Which she was basically obligated to do
because she graduated a year early
and ditched us.
It was pretty sweet to spend some time with her this weekend
before she (100% literally) jets off around the globe.
Whatever, again.

Me, Martha, Lauren, Amelia
My friends are wicked smaht. And also beautiful.
These humans have made my life exponentially better
over these past four years.
And probably for the rest of my life.

Ashley, Jessie & Kerry.
I love them so much.
Annnd that sentence doesn't even begin to do them justice.
On a semi-related note,
have you checked out Ashley's music yet? 
Scurry on over to check out her new EP 
It will not disappoint.
I am a glutton for punishment by way of nostalgia.
Listening to College Town (track 4--keep up bloglings) pretty much does me in every time.
Well really the whole album does.
But that is both here and there, so...
Tears all around.
Call me crazy.

Supremely sad I missed out on this pic (nabbed from the 'book).
These are my people.

I just happen to really love this pic.
Kerry is always as happy as she looks here
{only actually about 600 times happier because we were faking happiness for the camera. this day was sad. I mean do you even see all those dark circles?}
and it's contagious.
You cannot be around her and not cheer up.
She squatted down so that she would be closer to the same height
as me wearing heels.
I'll choose to believe that she was being nice.

Congrats on making it to the end!
High five, pat on the back, etc. etc.
Also, what is your favorite flavor of muffin?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


This is not a recent photo
but it is most definitely 
the most accurate representation
of my current emotional state.
You've been forewarned.

This post is solely for my own documentation of this lovely (sarcasm) little time of transition in life. I move in roughly four days, but really have less than two to prep. And I have packed exactly zero things for this impending move. Also I'm trying to spend time with all of my friends before I leave and coordinate plans with my family for graduation and and and a million other little things that crop up.

Despite my always sunny outlook it's not all bad, though. Actually it's mostly good. But here at Appropriate Emotional Responses R Us I  have been getting annoyed at people when I know that I'm really only sad to be leaving them and laughing when I should be crying (some day I will fill you in on my inaugural Les Miserables viewing). True story: one day I needed to cry reeeeaal bad, just to let it out and I couldn't. Could. not. make. myself. cry. Even though I knew it would make me feel better. I shamelessly resorted to watching a clip of Pride & Prejudice to get the tears flowing. Nobody said I was sane. Fortunately I don't think (I hope, please dear God) I have acted on those annoyed feeling because I am well aware that they are straight cray.

I am also on the board of directors (yes, I feel like a five year old wearing Mom's heels with her lipstick smeared all over my face) for this awesome organization and have been 100% scatter-brained and dropping the ball left and right this entire year, even though I care deeply about it. I was at one point in my life incredibly organized. Now I'm about as organized as this post and I don't know how I got here but I kind of miss it.

And continuing with this well-organized and thought-out post, I don't do well with transitions (in life or in writing, apparently). And my school draaaags this one out for two full weeks, which is really nice because it gives us time to hang out with everyone, take a day trip into Boston, and attend the reception our school president hosts with--hello day drinking!--an open bar at which he comes and talks to you about your life plans after an hour and a half and you keep your mouth firmly shut and let the other people around you do the talking because at that point you are very very tipsy and lord knows what gems you would drop....which is all good and well and wonderful and absurdly privileged but I would say that I am beyond ready to have a little semblance of a routine or really any sort of normalcy. Something about grass being greener or something.

I'm going to wrap this one up, recklessly publish it, and then go do something with my life.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Curly Hair, Do Care

The Lion King was (and still is) my fave Disney.
Probably because unlike my my actual blood-relative Mich, who is pictured above,
they appeared to be my kinfolk.

and today's mane.
Out of control.
Pinky-promise I actually have ears.

There is this great site Curly Hair Problems 
that I occasionally meander over to
when I'm feeling particularly frustrated 
by the fact that this beast cannot be tamed.
Or that I have been growing my hair out for three years
and there appears to be no change.
Or my hair has been intentionally pulled 
by fully grown adults
twelve too many times this week.
I can hear your snorty eye-rolls.
Big life problems over here.

Sorry straight-haried people and spam-bots.
Just be careful that when you wish for "volume"
that you also wish to not look like you belong to a family of big cats.
Ain't nobody got time fuh dat.

Here are a few gems because I provide you with only the most interesting tidbits.

I avoided getting even so much as my hair trimmed
for over a year and a half
because I knew it would take at least three years 
to recover from the butcher job.

 I usually only get compliments on my hair
when it looks like I've stuck my finger in a socket.
Never ever when I think I have somewhat tamed the beast, so:

 I have officially given up and just let it air dry.
because it does what it wants.

Okay, maybe this is just me.

This happened to me.
At the ripe age of eight.
I was standing next to my mom, who also has curly hair.
And the inquiring smarty was someone who had known me 
for a minimum of six years.
I'm still confused.

If I had one copper Lincoln 
for every time someone has pulled on my hair
to watch it spring back into place,
I would be able to afford a whole cup of coffee.

All the whatevers in the land,

Saturday List Vol. 2

1. I went through a long phase where I was repulsed by doughnuts. That phase has passed. For the past twelve months I have craved them nonstop. Fortunately yesterday after being cooped up in the apartment for two days straight as a result of nasty weather and zero responsibilities (Thank you, school for two full weeks of absolutely nothing between finals and graduation. Don't hold back your dirty looks.  Former and future Cheryl is giving present Cheryl the stink-eye. Whatever. I'll take this while it lasts) Amelia and I remedied this sitch with a walk to Boston Donuts.

2. Calming Manatee  Ari sent this to me in the middle of finals. That girl gets me. I have a weird love for these creatures. I think it has something to do with their peaceful nature.


3. Cat in a shark costume chases a duck while riding a roomba. Absurd. And stupid. And absurdly, stupidly funny. If you make it to the two minute mark you can have your soul bored out by the eyes of a cat. Double bonus.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Me and my bro Brian on my very first day of kindy.
And me today after finishing my final requirements as an undergrad.
I have gained one bachelor's degree
and two front teeth.
Not saying which of these makes me more proud.
Kind of jeal of that sweater I was wearing.
The 90s are making a comeback, I think.

Before my first day of kindergarten,
my mom tried to convince me to stay home with her 
because I "already knew everything."
Har de har har har.
I was (...and still am) the baby of the fam.
And {NerdAlert} I could not wait to get to school
and have real life homework.
Instead of the worksheets 
I begged my mom to make up for me every day.
I know, I know.

The whole thing was a bit anti-climactic  
as I had to submit my two final papers by email.
Something about clicking a button
is nowhere near as satisfying as dropping off a tangible paper.
But whatever, I'll take it.
I celebrated first by calling my mom
and then with my friends Amelia & Ari
by getting a couple holes in the head.

Me, Amelia & Ari a couple years ago

We went crazy
and got our ears pierced.
Such party animals, I know.
I had let my original piercings close 
after having them for less than a year
at the ripe age of eight.

I only said that I was a baby sixteen or seventeen times
before actually getting them pierced.
It was nowhere near as bad as I remember.

We then celebrated further by stuffing ourselves with fro-yo
and then stopping in the pet store to ogle kittens and such
with zero intention of procuring anything resembling a pet.
Because we now have copious amounts of time on our hands and could.
And because...staring at kittehs, duh.

And now I'm off to celebrate the fact 
that I have a whole two full weeks 
before my graduation
to do with as I please.
Have I mentioned that I love this school?
Because I do.

Genuine smile,

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I discovered Gizoogle this morning and it changed my life. It will translate any webpage into gangsta slang. Be still, my heart. Um. It's gangsta slang, so there is zero family-friendly censorship--consider yourself warned. annnnd now head on over.

Here is a little translated bit of an earlier post. Pretty much anything is an improvement over my standard ramblings so perhaps I should run all of my material through it before posting.

In a similar vein (in case you missed it): Ghetto Hikes. Pure gold.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Quote of the Day

This afternoon, shortly before I left:

Lorrie [softly whispers]: There are not enough baked goods in this apartment. 

I know, I know.
I'll be available for alll of your food photography needs.

I returned home an hour later to these oatmeal chocolate chip beauties coming out of the oven. 
I have a feeling I'll be gaining roughly forty pounds over the next couple weeks before I move out. 

Ari, my other roommate, walked in the door as I was writing this with some peanut butter cookies she just whipped up. Sorry, pancreas.

-Sweet-Toothed Chey