
Thursday, April 25, 2013


Sometimes I get on little insomnia kicks. Like right now. I tend to turn into an over-sharing PiTA. And I start to concoct some crazy plans that I will deem completely illogical and irresponsible come morning.

hello, superb posture.

But tonight I decided to go reaaallly crazy and try to spruce up this space for my one reader and twenty-six spam-bots (they almost feel like family at this point. But I'm 100% certain those bots check in more than my own mom, so.............).

I am committed to spending lots and lots of money on intangible pretty. (I mean...we've explored my commitment to tangible beauty, so this obviously and naturally follows). I decided that my blog header could use just a smidgen of work, so I hurried over to hit up the one-and-only Google for free blog headers. I left scratching my head. Why are all of these glorified scrapbook pages? Did I miss something? I mean, if scrapbooking is your thing, then by all means, eat your heart out (never using that expression again, until I do, you're welcome in advance). And I know this blog screams SCRAPBOOK-WORTHY what with its heartfelt anecdotes and sentimental photos, but {I know I'm about to throw down the shocker of the century right here} I do not come from scrapbooking stock and those scrapbookers are of a hearty, hearty stock. My very next thought was something along the lines of choosers and beggars. And then I circled right back to "why is every single one of these of the tacky  and vom-worthy scrappy-esque variety? whyyyy?" and then circled right back my lesson on begging and choosing. And around and around and around. Until I got bored of that and looked for something to occupy my (clearly already over-worked-with-important-tasks) mind with something to bide my time while waiting for the I-feel-like-I-drank-a-9pm-cup-of-coffee to wear off.

Bonus! I remembered that I've had this lovely mac for several months and zero Photo Booth pics to prove it. Blasphemy!

Fear not, I remedied that sitch real fast.

Behold, a picture of attractive.

I know how much I enjoy taking a long peruse through a post chock-full of Photo Booth gems, soooo. yeah, these are the only two you're getting. Deal with it in your heart. I should probably start watermarking my photos. The combo of their abundance and overwhelming beauty is sure to land them on a t-shirt in some far away country aaaany day now.


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