
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I could pee on this and Jane Austen

My friend Cara and I have a longstanding semi-unspoken agreement (like since middle school. we go waaaay back) that we ensure that the other is taken care of on Singles Awareness Day. This year we were both a few miles behind the ball. Unlike me, she at least has a legitimate reason or five. Regardless, they ended up being more along the lines of the St. Paddy's Day/Easter gifts. 

These arrived in the mail and were promptly and proudly displayed on the fridge, like any fine work should be.

Normally not a big fan of the whole keep calm fad, 
"Come join and/or pity me in my self-afflicted stress" is more my speed
but for this I make an exception.

"You can have Wickham!"

I texted her "Dibs on Darcy!"
To which she replied,
"If you get Darcy, I call Bingley."
Fair enough.

I sent her this:

How perfect. An anthology of poems penned by the future loves of our lives. If only I can ever get over this pesky cat allergy. There is a story behind my discovery of this book. It's epic and maybe someday if you're fortunate enough I'll take the time to type it out for you little bloglings. Maybe. If you're lucky.



  1. Okay this is going to come off as beyond creepy and disgusting but I'm going to share it anyway. In high school my bbf Chanelle and I had this saying when someone mad us really mad. It went like this,

    "Ugh I'm so mad right now I could pee on their hair!"

    In fact we still use it sometimes when something really heinous happens to us. I might need to track down the book and send it to her. She would die!

    Please blog about the adventure to finding this gem of a book! Also, double please don't block me from reading your blog because I used to threaten to pee on people...It's not like I ever actually did it! I'm weird, but not THAT weird.

    1. I would never block you! {It's probably in bad taste to block your only follower (aside from like 15 spambots), no? Does this fact make you want to run the other direction?} Is it weird that this little tidbit of knowledge about threatening to pee on people makes me love you even more? Oh well. I actually LOLed (LedOL?) when I read that. Please don't unfollow because I proclaimed my blog love for you. and mentioned that you're my only follower. Welcome to my awkward little life, where we live by a policy of over-sharing and lower our standards daily.

      I added the link to amazon (oh, hey search inside! my favorite!) for that delightful little anthology because YES.


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