
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

studying metacognition

Last year I took a cognitive psych class. The professor was a real gem. If anyone got up in the middle of class to use the restroom, she would stop speaking and stare them down until they made it alll the way out of the room and then she would repeat this little charade again when they returned, staring them down until they made it back to their seat. It was uncomfortable for everyone involved. She also was known to frantically scold us while she was lecturing if we happened to be taking notes and/or  glance at the power point that was being projected on the 15' screen in front of our faces. Not stressful at all. If someone fell asleep, she would stop teaching and tell someone sitting nearby to wake them up. It was a rather sleep-deprived semester for me and one day I just could. not. keep my eyes open, even though it was one of her more interesting lectures. I was so mortified at the thought of being called out that I kept my pen moving as I dozed off for morethanamoment.  My notes from that particular day contained several lines of random loops and squiggles. She is terrifying in the way that only an 85 year-old four foot-tall Belgian woman can be. Probably the highlight of the whole experience was studying metacognition. Thinking about thinking about thinking. No. aaand now I'm thinking about that. Cut it out, Chey.

Pretty sure that little brush with insanity led to a small portion of my soul dying forever.
Sort of like having to sit in a stuffy windowless classroom for hours on-end this afternoon, 
discussing hate movements
on the first truly warm and sunny day in several eternities.
Fret not. I spent some time this morning sunning myself on my friend's stoop.
Not unlike a lizard.
It was glorious. 



  1. Sunning like a lizard! Sooo back story. At my parents house we have two rooms that are filled with sun all the time! The previous owners call them "the formal dining room" and "sitting room". Basically made it sounds super stuck-up fancy like. When we moved in, we turned them into our home school rooms. But that's another story for another comment on another post. Anyway, lizards ENDLESS lizards find their way into our house during the winter months and "sun" in these rooms. It was so annoying. I would scream and make my brothers spending hours trying to catch them and get them out. But they always came back! I eventually learned how to coexist with them (sort of. I just started doing my school work in my room, on my bed, in my pajamas).
    End rant.

    1. Horrifying. And I thought my brushes with house centipedes were bad. (Um. Still think that. Those things are capital-A Awful). Thoughts of lizards aside, I would probably spend an inappropriate amount of time sunning myself in those rooms. My current apartment gets sunlight for approximately 45 minutes a day...if we're on the luckier, sunnier side of the weather spectrum. Vitamin D deficiency be mine.


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