
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Magical Mirror

When I was freshly a freshman in college my brand-new bestie slash roomie Ari and I took a super cliché pilgrimage to Everybody's Favorite Bullseye, where dreams come true and bank accounts go to die.  We purchased a super spend-y $5 full-length mirror. I'm convinced it should have cost at least twice as much because that thing was magical--magical--I tell you! It survived a bus ride home from Target, not one but two falls off the wall (thanks to dorm décor rules. foam tape is so strong.),  and hundreds and hundreds of miles of car trips between school and home. It was a real trooper. 

After its second terrifying tumble from the wall we decided to play it safe and just let it rest on the floor. Here is where the magic comes in. It bent in juuust the right way that it made everyone who gazed into its depths seem significantly taller this is important because let's just say that nobody is confusing Ari and me for basketball stars. ever. and thinner than the truths spoken by Lady Reality she's kind of a b, no?. What?? How is that even possible? With the way it was bending we should have seemed like a little tea cup (short and stout. keep up bloglings). Magic. My inner feminist is running about, flailing and screeching about how we should not be striving for these types of things! Unrealistic expectations! Evil media! DOWN WITH BARBIE.

Normally I listen to her, but she gets a giant shoulder shrug and a "meh" on this one. I'll take that little extra boost of confidence any day.  We can go ahead and take a moment to legally change my middle name to Shallow.  

Sadly, the mirror shattered on the drive home from school last May. It was a bummer but if we're being totally honest here and honesty is, unfortunately for you, a policy over here, we were amazed that little gem survived so long. She was held together with quite a bit of packing tape and her frame was dented from the falls and transportation. She lived a good little encouraging life. RIP little magical mirror.

**This post brought to you by the letters C, R, A, Z and Y and the number cherylisbeingoverlynostalgic. Yooouuuu're welcome.

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