
Saturday, March 30, 2013


Spring is a funny time of the year.

Scattered around my room I have both tank tops and scarves--and not those flimsy fashion ones, either, but more like those of the "do you have a torso behind that chunky knit?" variety. New England, you cray.

In other more noteworthy news, I can't get enough of this video & song lately.

The end with the NYC Ballet kills me every time and had me dancing around my room and then scurrying off to The Google to check out adult beginner ballet classes. Maybe someday, Clumsy.

The only part of their dancing that mine remotely resembles is that scarecrow move (technical term) they have going on at 4:13. My dancing generally goes something more like this:

but less coordinated and graceful than Michelle and Jimmy.

Perhaps the only redeeming quality of my general clumsiness and lack of coordination is that I figure it will someday embarrass any and all pride out of my hypothetical future children. We're pretty certain these are hereditary traits, so for their sake I hope my future spouse does not contain an ounce of klutzy. You'd better hope so too, hypothetical kiddos, or you'll be living a life marred by tripping up stairs, in front of large groups of strangers, and while standing still (stilllll not sure entirely sure how that one happened).

Still reading? Weird.


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