
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Campus mailbox

That thing is so unpredictable.

Riiight around V-Day, I received this little gem

from the senior class gift committee. A Valentine's Day gift. and not at all a "give us your money" gift. So sweet of them. Yes, that is a plastic baggie of loose candy. Yes, it's as sketchy as it looks. Yes, I absolutely did peer into the windows of other mailboxes to ensure that I wasn't the only one who was graced with such a sketchy "free candy van" treat. No, the fact that others also had these does not make it any less sketchy/gross. And no, it did not stop me from consuming them. Because, swedish fish.

They must have known that I would not be receiving any treats on this particular love holiday. ((I felt a little like Michael Scott when I typed that.)) Because, um, lifetime res of SingleTown over here. I feel like I deserve a badge. Although probably not necessary when it's practically tattooed on your forehead? yikes. this blog is taking a turn for the worse, which is unfortunate considering its previous status...

Hope your Valentine's Day was a love-filled as mine! ...if you were extra lucky it had a dash of Sketch City thrown in for good measure! The spice of life! #no


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