
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Friends of the Imaginary Variety

I have devoted the last month or so of my life to writing a paper (basically a glorified research proposal...with no intent of actually conducting said research. win-win?) about children with imaginary companions. 

You read that correctly.

I have thee best major. The absolute best. My BCF+E (best cousin forever + ever, try to stay with it bloglings) Mich and I spent the first twenty minutes of our most recent skype sesh exuberantly discussing our  respective discoveries of certain research methods. The jury's still out on whether we are progressing or regressing from our normal routine of making weird faces at each other for a full hour. Still not sure why I'm still single.

To be fair
I came across this genius procedure 
where the child invites his or her imaginary companion to come into the lab
via toy phone. 
I would fully expect those kiddos to be not at all into it
but according to numerous studies, they are all business
In one instance, the researcher had to sit there waiting for eight minutes
because the imaginary friend was "coming from across town."
Eight full minutes,
can you imagine?
I hope to someday bask in the glory of a kid that awesome.

When I recently met with my professor to talk about this particular project he said, 
"So at this point you're more of an expert on imaginary companions than I am."
I managed to hold back my snort-laugh
and my comment about being thisclose to developing one of my very own
and just chuckled instead.
My life's a party.

And for those of you who were looking for a little treat, you're in luck! Who can think of imaginary companions without thinking of this little one? What's that? You never watched 7th Heaven? I don't know how you missed out on such high quality writing and acting. Much like this blog, it was the top of the top...of something. Lorrie and I once watched through the better portion of the first season in one week. Only because of its addictive qualities. And because we had to see if there was a single episode that did not conclude with Eric crying. As far as we can tell, that would be a big giant no.

If you'd like to waste less of your time, you can skip ahead to 0:35.
Regardless, you're also probably going to want to turn the volume waaay down.



  1. "Still not sure why I'm still single." Dying.

    Jet lagged and wide awake at 4 in the morning flying through your blog. I'm in love!

    If I post any more comments I'm pretty certain they will get more and more inappro as the night goes on..we'll just have to wait and see!

    7th Heaven and a bowl of cereal was my afternoon ritual in highschool.

  2. Oh man, thanks! That a big compliment coming from you! I can't wait to live vicariously through your India posts (pretty please?).

    And 7th Heaven. Lord. Between the groundbreaking writing and the robotic acting, how did that show last ten seasons?? And then be revived for an 11th after the series finale? One of life's great mysteries. But yes, reruns every day after school.


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