
Tuesday, March 19, 2013


My birthday was a couple weeks ago and lucky me got to be with the fam because I was on break (my! last! one! ever!) from school. I awoke to sn*w. Curses. I probably cried. And by probably, I mean I absolutely did. Thrice. It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to. After a little shoveling sesh and some frustrated storming about the house, I got over it. maybe. the jury's still out on that one. don't ask my mom about it because she probably wouldn't have nice things to say.

The day got exponentially better when we went out to dinner. Why? Other than the obvious. (food, duh. I know this blog is always super life-changing/profound/insightful but I really hope I don't insult your intelligence that much). I got to meet my long-lost surrogate cousin for the first time! What's that? You don't have one of those? weird.

All I can say is that it's a good thing she doesn't take first impressions too seriously because we actually first met via skype about a year ago. My best cousin Mich and I were in the middle of one of our marathon skype sessions in which we partake in your standard video chat activities such as making weird faces Quick, imitate a giraffe/komodo dragon hybrid! with accompanying weird noises. About forty-five minutes into our usual notatallstrange routine, she started talking to someone out of the frame.
"Oh, is your mom there?" My aunt knows just how normal the two of us are, but still.
"Oh, no, Kelly's here." Oh, good. 45 minutes of making weird faces and noises to introduce me to your BFF. No, that's not a bad idea at all.

Although inviting a near-stranger do they count as strangers if they are bffs with your best cousin and have met your entire extended family?  go with me on this one to partake in your birthday festivities is on the riskier side of risky, we fortunately hit it off at least I thought so. let's hope the feeling was mutual and she wasn't being nice solely on account of the whole birthday thing which was good because a bad second impression would have been a surefire disaster. Sitting here wondering why it took us eight years to finally meet in the flesh. Watch yo'self, Mich. I'mma steal yo' bestie. 

As you can see, we took lots and lots of pictures to document such a momentous occasion. I'm just such a great photographer. and blogger. and long-lost surrogate cousin.

That's all, I suppose.

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