
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The internet has redeemed itself (Part 1) a couple of ways that more than make up for weekly Sunday evening assignment submissions.

Exhibit A

Homepage of The Google. You've done it again. What a way to celebrate a certain Frank Zamboni's b-day. Happy 112th, sir! A special thank you to my dear cousin, Mich, who sent me an urgent and cryptic message that I was to go to the google homepage at once.

I was greeted with this lovely sight.

It came complete with a polar bear that peeked around the corner, saw a speck of dust, jumped about seventeen feet in the air and scurried away like all vicious bears do.


Not only did the fine folks at Google provide us with this entertaining animation, they also gifted us an ice resurfacing computer game. Glorious. All of my childhood dreams are coming true.

Mich and I have spent quite a bit of time in the stands of our local ice arena, cheering on my dad or brother's hockey teams (or both at the same time, which certainly helps us in our quest to appear notcrazy). Fear not, the usual crowd of four-five other individuals, including our moms, allows us to be discreet about these...conundrums. We like to use baseball terminology. We're such sophisticated sports fans. And, yes, there is a big difference between a "foul ball" and a "home run". Get it right, players.

I notified the fam that their lives would drastically change for the better if they click click clicked on over to Google.

My dad responded with this little gem:
HOLY CRAP....they are even blue and orange, and I must say, the guy in orange is faster and better looking.
I'll allow you two guesses to determine the respective colors of my brother’s and my dad’s teams.

I am so very disappointed that I will be missing them face off in the playoffs* this weekend. I tried to convince Mich to skype me for the entirety of the game before I remembered that I will not have cell reception or internet all weekend. Fear not, I made her pinky-promise to video the whole thing so I can watch later. Friends, this is family rivalry at its finest.

Are you sick of all this skating and hockey talk? Anyone still reading? I’d guess you already ran off with your friend Little Red X about fifteen paragraphs ago. Hope you two are having fun.


P.S. Blogger has been acting up and I have spent equally inappropriate amounts of time today playing the aforementioned Zamboni game and having a fight with blogger. Apologies (to the zero people who read this blog) for any formatting atrocities. As always, I only provide you with thee highest quality content, which is sure to make up for any formatting snafus as well as my beautiful/inspiring/edgy blog design.

*Playoffs. Um. Don't get excited. They come around 3-4 times per year. Yes, you read that correctly. And if we are blessed with a family member in the championship game, we get a glimpse of the Stanley Tin Cup. I'm sorry to report that that is an actual thing.

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