
Monday, June 3, 2013

It's Official!

Don't mind if I do.
photo via trip advisor

Job in place, visa acquired, plane tickets booked and a thousand and one promises to my mom that I will not fall in love and consequently never again return to our very own US of A, so help her God. Okay, so I actually have some medical forms left to complete, but that's the last step before everything is completely finalized (say a prayer, cross your fingers, etc., etc.) for me to move to New Zealand for a year!!!

I'll be working as an au pair (I miiiight be crazy but we've already covered that) in Auckland and I'm pretty freaking excited. Right now my biggest sources of stress daydreams revolve around driving small children around on the opposite side of the road and the logistics of packing my life for a year into a suitcase {Any advice for overseas moves (or what to do during 28 hours of travel, or how to deal with a 16 hour times difference- I can only imagine the level of crazy I will be emitting upon stepping off that plane) appreciated and welcomed, please and thank you}. Oh, and that whole living with a family that I've chatted with via Skype for a whopping forty minutes, who also happen to be my employers. No big. 

I leave in just over two months and in that time there are family and friends to be seen, logistics to be figured out, and unnecessary amounts of worrying to take place. More important and sensible preparations include finally watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy and having Ari teach me enough about rugby to not be a completely bumbling ignorant fool.  We'll see.

Still not sure if this is real life. Someone will probably have to come and pinch me daily while I'm there. Although. I'm thinking my two little charges might maybe possibly render that unnecessary. Hopefully not too often. Weeeee'll see.

I can't wait to meet ya, NZ!

P.S. I'll be living on the North Island but if I don't make it to the South Island while I'm there... 

Image via

I will never be able to live with myself.


  1. Congrats! That sounds like an amazing adventure!
    Found you through the May challenge :)


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