
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Inappropriate Emotional Responses 'R Us

....or that time I went to see Les Mis.

Let's just say that the evening started out by getting into Ashley's car to head over to the movie theater and seeing this gem sitting on my seat.

We had an impromptu poetry reading for the entirety of that drive for reasons that should not need to be outlined but just in case you do need such extra assistance take two seconds to glance at that cover again.

Actually, I should back up. The evening really started when Eric showed up with a few bottles of beer stashed in his coat pockets, asking us whether they were noticeable. They weren't. Perfect. Smuggle those in.

It was a late showing on a Tuesday so the theater which never disappoints was practically empty. I already had a massive twelve year-old girl giggling fit going on because in addition to having fun on a weeknight
whoa, Cheryl

...that anthology of poems by cats was unreal.
Sniffles McGee was sitting in front of us and started sniff sniff sniffling her way through every minute of the movie before the previews had ended. Her little debacle did not help with the giggling sitch.

On top of that, I have this little...conundrum I like to call I Cannot Ever Take Musicals Seriously. Usually I just sit there in a state of confusion contemplating the strangeness of the reality that THESE PEOPLE JUST BURST INTO SONG OUT OF NOWHERE AND EVERYONE'S ACTING LIKE IT AIN'T NO THANG. Somebody explain to me why this is happening? Why are we singing and sometimes even choreographed-dancing? Whose idea was this little phenomenon??? And why do people continue to go along with it? Why is the audience acting like nothing strange is happening? Why are the other people in the scene acting like nothing strange is happening??       

???????? Normally I wind up laughing at all sorts of inappropriate moments because welcome to my life.  

What did us all in, though, was when Jean Valjean admits his true identity followed by a beat or seven of his scenemates' shocked silence. Eric made the unfortunate decision to delve into our beverages at that very moment. Classy classy. I will never be able to watch (or read, I suppose) his declaration of "I'm Jean Valjean!" without immediately hearing the distinctive chpppfffft of a bottle of beer being cracked open, times three. Drinking in a movie theater? Game changer. Just do it. #positivepeerpressure 

Aaaanyways, aside from Sniffles McSniffleson in front of us our only other theatermates were a middle-aged couple sitting a few rows behind us. When we got up to leave, it became abundantly apparent that the man was... not doing well. At all. Something along the lines of:

Too much. Too too much. Is this real life?!

Then as we were in the middle of the set of double doors on our way out of the theatre, Ashley busted up laughing. That night, Mama N had graced us with some notlovely freezing rain which had turned the ground into a nice sheet of ice, and as a result Sniffles almost ate it in the parking lot. Windmill arms and all. Naturally, Ash actually did completely wipe out during the course of her walk to the car because karma's a b. That night was bananas.

And thus concludes the story of the time I laughed my way through the entirety of the 2012 film version of Les Misérables.

-Her Majesty, the Queen of the Land of Appropriate Emotional Responses

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