I told you about two decades ago that I would update you on my escape to the woods with a bunch of friends. Fiiinally getting around to it. I've probably forgotten most of what I wanted to remember. Whatever. Giving you some photos (alllll of which are stolen from The Facebook because, really, I'm such a top-notch blogger that I forgot to even bring my camera. and I'm a geriatric college student (I'm broke and prefer snail mail over email...the latest and greatest technology is clearly a top priority over here right along with a blog design that is easy on the eyes and blog content that is inspirational. Form and function, just for you wonderful little bloglings) and therefore have a non-smart phone, so no instagramming to speak of over here) to make up for it.
Started out by roadtripping up to NH with Ash and Riah.
Me, Riah, Ash.
You could say that we were excited.
you could also say we're an attractive bunch, but you wouldn't.
not sure, so don't ask.
but if you were to ask (nosey) I would probably say
1) pretty. freaking. stoked. and/or
2) just being myself
I would not say that the coffee was too hot,
as two of my aunts guessed on the Facebook.
We spent the car ride having some heart-to-hearts, potentially getting lost in the back roads of the White Mountains, and (perhaps most importantly) bumping to Macklemore. annnnd to quote Ash, "If the only song you've heard off The Heist is Thrift Shop, you need to rethink your life decisions." Noted.
We were running a solid two hours behind schedule and (this is telling of our community) still managed to be the first people (aside from the few people organizing the weekend) there.
<3 my slightly dysfunctional (in more ways than one) woo family.
Every. Single. Time. someone arrived, and on a select few other occasions, we sang "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow," followed by three cheers. There were roughly forty of us. No, that didn't ever get old, why would you ask?
We stayed at a baptist summer camp that hosts retreats and such for the other three seasons of the year. I would place a large sum of money on the fact that we are the... most lively putting it nicely group they get coming through.
Exhibit A: they bend their no alcohol policy for us.
Exhibit B: there were plenty of board and card games and such to be played. The one that was played allllll weekend long? Cards Against Humanity. I do not endorse. If you don't know what that is, come join the 21st century and meander over to the Google. Be forewarned, though, that it was so raunchy it even made me blush (that takes a lot). (annnd thank you, roomie, for arriving to the camp at such an opportune moment that I could conveniently and not-so-subtly duck out of the game after only two rounds).
Exhibit C: My friend and pastor managed to set up an epic That's What She Said joke. In the middle of the Sunday service.
What can I say, we're a classy bunch.
For the most part, though, the weekend looked something like this:
Lots of
music (and crocheting. would you expect anything less from my geriatric ways?)
also, we were having waaay more fun than the story our faces our telling
sitting in front of this massive fireplace (heavenly)
shooting the breeze and more cuddling
sexy barn. so approp.
and sunset hikes.
this pic doesn't even begin to do it justice
I can't imagine how gorgeous this must be in spring/summer/fall
be still, my heart.
...where we happened upon a small four-legged friend.
who happened to be donning a sweater
that is more stylin' than about 98% of my wardrobe.
His name is Oliver (or maybe just Ollie? I might be senile)
and we mayyybe, maybe not wanted to steal him.
please disregard the death grip I have on him.
Not pictured?
All the amazing food we consumed (and there was a LOT of it).
We were too busy shoveling it in to bother with cameras.
They were some pretty freaking gracious hosts, considering our level of...class.
I came home and was instantly thrust into a post-vacation depression. You know the type.
Sigh. We all left wondering why this is not a weekly occurrence.
I love these people so freaking much it hurts.