
Saturday, June 1, 2013


I have the tendency to find music I like and then binge listen to it and as a result certain songs always make me think of specific times in my life. Jenni over at Story of My Life actually had a prompt about music that is tied to specific memories as a part of her Blog Every Day in May challenge. Which, kudos because she actually did it. Her prompt reminded me that this one had been sitting in ye olde drafts folder for several months. So I figured whattheheck. Might as well finish it off and publish. Annnd I'm a slacker so I didn't finish it in time to link up with hers, or have five songs, but the final day of the challenge late to the technology party, like always. just a normal part of my geriatric ways is "a vivid memory" so how about four vivid memories? ...that happen to be music related? Wellll that's what you're gettin', so... here I go.

Needtobreathe- Wanted Man (well really any of their music)
My dad always plays Needtobreathe in the car. For a couple summers I worked at the (very small...and thus a very Dunder Mifflin Scranton-esque) company where he works and so we commuted together every day. It was pretty great. I don't really listen to them much (or ever, really) but I could listen to the same record on repeat all summer in the car with my dad. Before my grandma moved into a nursing home that's about a five minute drive from where we live, she lived for a couple years in assisted living home that was a bit more of a drive- much of it through country roads. Dad and I used to listen to Needtobreathe on rides to go visit her. Pretty much listening to them makes me think of long car rides, just me and Dad, and it's pretty sweet.

Katie Herzig- Free My Mind

Spring of my junior year of college. I had been running on roughly four hours of sleep a night, seven days a week, for months on-end, and did not stop going from the moment I woke up. It was exhausting and exhilarating and probably very unhealthy but I knew there was an end date in sight. By finals week, though, I was running 100% on adrenaline to the point that my hands would actually shake sometimes. My roommate had left about a week earlier than me and finals week is so isolating as is, with everyone squirreled away in the library or their respective rooms.  Late one night I was  struggling through a paper and listening to music on my headphones because I didn't want to disturb the neighbors (why why why are dorm walls so thin?). It was getting late and I was having trouble keeping my eyes open, but knew I had to keep working, so naturally I decided to have a dance party. By myself. It was only after the fact that I realized I had been playing this song in my head, and was actually dancing to silence. Winner winner chicken dinner, call me crazy, etc. etc. The next day Lorrie and I had an actual study break//dance party and danced to this song. Not before she got some healthy laughing at my expense in. Love her.

Blood- Middle East
Autumn. I was in the midst of a bit of an unrequited love situation (that makes it sound wa-ha-hay more dramatic than it was).  The days were shortening (my absolute least favorite time of year, zero sarcasm or exaggeration) and my heart was hurting, but it wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. Sort of bittersweet.  This song was on repeat as I enjoyed the luxury that is the heat kicking on for the first time, while curled up in the afghan my great-grandmother crocheted with a perfectly warmed cup of tea. Well eye twitch this one was awkward.  Moving on.

Brooke Fraser--the whole Flags album

 On one of the upper floors of my college library, in the spot with these massive picture windows that have some surprisingly pretty views. It was my sophomore year and I don't know if it was just me but it felt like that winter never ended. Maybe not because my friend actually wrote songs about it.  I have distinct memories of listening to Brooke Fraser's Flags album while I watched the sky go through a series of pinks and oranges before the sun set behind the mountains and left us with that velvety inky violet-blue as I studied to my little nerdy heart's content.

I lied. Had to include a 5th. More Katie Herzig (because YES) (How could I forget theeeeeis one?):
This whole album was the soundtrack to many late-night heart-to-hearts while Ashley and I drove aimlessly around Worcester in Rusty may she forever rest in peace. Nights like this one. Perfection.

Annnnd I am done.

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