1. Updated updated update (because you really really care): the incessant squawk-chirping turned out to be not only the smoke detector battery, but also the carbon monoxide detector battery. Both bit the dust in one day and consequently drove me to the very edge of my sanity {what's that? replacing the battery didn't shut it up?}. Welllll it's entirely possible that the smoke detector battery was fine the whole time but I walked alll the way to the grocery store to shell out five Washingtons for a replacement and the nonstop squawkchirping took a pretty big toll on both my sanity and blood pressure yesterday, so your presence is cordially requested in Delusionville for our biweekly semi-formal Ball, where we celebrate our illogical, unrealistic & exaggerated memories. Crazy eyes not required but strongly recommended.
2. On a less complain-y note, my friend Ashley's (you met her on vacation) long-awaited EP finally came out!!! Exclamation points! You can listen to it on her bandcamp page here! You should go click on over and check it out! Right now. Seriously, why are you still reading this...high quality literature? Do you really have that much time on your hands? Annnd probably the best part is that you can purchase the whole album for less than the cost of replacing your smoke detector batteries! Let it go, Chey. Ash is one of those top-notch people and I feel like the luckiest that I get to call her a friend. I mean, she's an incredible musician (have you listened yet? Go.) but she's also an all-around wonderful person. What you see is what you get with Ash. She's unique and talented in a very genuine way and (to make the rest of us pale even more in comparison) to top it off she's completely down-to-earth. You can also take a little wander through her website. Again, making the rest of us look bad. Go show her some love. I have listened to the whole album multiple times while writing this post and it gets better every time. I'm having trouble picking a favorite song, but "Crazy For You" and "College Town" are in serious running.
3. I also made a few design changes on this sad excuse of a blog. (I know you're giving me those sarcastic jazz hands with an accompanying "ooohhhhh you're playing 'dress up as a blogger' today, aren't you" because, well.......can't say I'm not giving myself sass about this one right now). No guarantees that it's any better, or even as good (gross exaggeration) as it was before, but at the very least it's slightly different, so... I've got nothing.
3.2. Somebody added an "about" page. Direct your eyes to the top of this page for the button. Or don't. Probably not.
3.3. I hopped on the Bloglovin' bandwagon. So far I like it? I appreciate that I can actually see a blog's design when reading posts (which is not exactly a plus for when you're reading this particular blog, but I'm sure you'll appreciate this feature for all the prettiers). I also like that it fades out the posts that you've already read (but you can still click on them if your little blog-lovin' my dad-jokes have gotten out of hand lately. too bad you're not getting any apologies from me heart desires). Both of these features are nice for my geriatric self who has been opposed to getting any sort of blog reader because what if I want to waste even more of my life and re-read posts? And what about all those nice-looking blogs? I want to be able to see that. Because it's clearly not happening on my own. Anyways. In the off chance that you want a more-than-occasional dose of my awkward life, you can follow me there by clicking the button below, or to your right. I'm pretty sure that you need to sign up for bloglovin' first, but I'm also pretty sure that you don't need to have a blog to do so. I'm also very certain that you don't need to link it to The Big Bad Facebook (and can just use your email to sign up instead) because NO THANK YOU.
4. I was perusing through the aforementioned 'book and came across this gem from Halloween circa several years ago. Any Office fans? No? I mean, I know it's fizzled out for roughly the past four years but I just can't quit it.
Kelly, Mose, Dwight, Angela, Pam, three-hole punch Jim
I probably shouldn't mention
that I'm dressed more fashionably as Pam Beasley c. season 2
than I am on pretty much every other day.
5. This week I made really last-minute travel plans for the first time in my life to go visit my "twin" Sarah for her senior recital next week. I feel strange calling her my twin, especially around actual multiples (identical or otherwise), or really anyone above the age of six months. We've been friends since first grade (this fact deserves some witty parenthetical aside of its very own) and she is one of those people that seems to have it all. She's beautiful, smart, compassionate, can befriend pretty much anyone right off the bat, etc. etc. I could go on for a few years here but for your sake I'll cut it out. She's also an incredible flautist and I cannot wait to hear her play in person (that hasn't happened in roughly a decade, so I can't even imagine what she sounds like now. Although I heard her teaching a beginner lesson a few years ago and was completely blown away by the little bit I did hear). Her family moved 500 miles away when we were twelve years old (which at that point felt like the absolute ennnnnnd of the world...apparently my level of over-dramatic has not subsided since my middle school days) but we've managed to stay in touch over the years. Back to the twin bit, our first and second grade teachers allllways got us confused because we supposedly looked alike. Naturally, we started calling each other up weekly to coordinate outfits and even occasionally switched seats. The nineties were good to us.
Neither of us really think that we look a whole lot alike but then things like this happen. She was back up in New York visiting extended family shortly before my high school graduation so we squeezed in a quick visit (it was no more than a few hours long). We hadn't seen one another in a couple of years (and really really hadn't seen because this was pre-skype, so it was all hand-written letters and phone calls for us)...
...and we showed up with the same haircut, glasses, and outfit.
She's the more attractive one on the left.
All that to say I'm pretty excited to see her.
And her family.
And hear her play her flautist heart out.
Maybe I'll remember to bring my camera like the blogger I pretend to be.
So that I can document, and then inundate you with travel pics.
It's fine if you totally disagree on the twin thing.
Like I previously mentioned, I'll be living here in Delusionville,
of which Single Town is a small hamlet.
You are more than welcome to join us.
A list of randoms, for Saturday. Maybe this will become a regular thing. We'll see. Not holding myself to any list length requirements because that is asking for it. As it currently stands holding myself to Saturdays is already probably a stretch.
Much love,
Much love,