
Monday, July 29, 2013

Life Lately: On Moving & Summer Happenings

On Summer Happenings:

These past few months have been filled with lots of life-living and I'll be sure to fill you in at some point when things settle down a smidgen. For now though, here's a sneak peek of what I've been up to.

On moving:
Someone if I could remember who, I would point you in the right direction but I've been more than a little scattered these days once wrote about balance in life, and about how she was stressing out because she didn't feel like her days were balanced. After some consideration, she decided to use it as more of a long-term assessment of life rather than a daily one. Recently I've been thinking of this as life has been more than a little chaotic (am I sounding like a broken record yet? Hold onto your hats because I'll probably be repeating that sentiment for at least another month).

In exactly one week from this moment I will be on the plane headed from New York to New Zealand. It's exciting, nerve-wracking and bitter-sweet, along with about a hundred different emotions depending on the minute you ask me. I've found myself having to do a lot of deep breathing this week as it has also proved to be a teensy bit stressful. This week I'm trying to soak up spending time with my family and friends in the midst of packing and prepping and triple checking that everything is in order.

This morning I had a solid stress dream that I made it to the airport sans passport, visa, and every other important travel document despite the fact that "they were all on my list, thrice! how could I have  possibly forgotten to grab the most important things?! --i've messed everything up!" I actually exclaimed these things out loud to strangers in my dream. I know. and was in quite the pickle. I don't know, call me anxious. I woke up with my heart pounding, more exhausted than when I went to sleep. I've also been wondering what life will look like in a new city (in a new country as well as hemisphere) where I don't know anyone, working a new job, and living with a new family... who also happen to be my employers. 

I'm excited for this new adventure, but I would be lying if I said that I'm not a little bit anxious, too. I was recently reminded of this post by Aura (who is unfortunately for us not blogging any more. I still like to browse through some of her old posts every once in a while because they are absolutely gorgeous in every way). That last paragraph of it is short and sweet but such a good one. "You must know that you can swim through every tide and change of time." A-flippin'-men I know that once I'm there, I'll be able to handle whatever life throws at me... let's just hope I make it through this week ;)

This week/month/season is feeling crazy in a good way, but also in an uncomfortable, unsettled way. I keep reminding myself that there have been times, and there will be times, when I'm feeling more settled into or even bored with life. Eventually it all balances out. Just keep telling myself that in the hopes that I can appreciate the craziness now.

About a month ago I started becoming overwhelmed about the logistics of short-term moving overseas/ long-term traveling and in a fit of what I'm sure was unnecessarily excessive late-night stress, I emailed Kylie, Lisa & Megan of Traveling Triplets to ask if they had any tips for packing for such a move, long flights, and/or dealing with jet lag/large time differences. They are wonderful and Kylie not only quickly emailed me back with some suggestions, but then dedicated two entire posts to sharing some tips for packing to move abroad and long flights and time change. Life savers! Thanks again, Kylie! I'll definitely be referencing those this week (and next). Go check them out! (If not for these tips, then for the tales and photos of all of their travels- such cool ladies!)

Happiest of days to you,

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